with you on your outcome

the wisdom in YOU to express itself

YOU to your next level of potential so you can share your genius with others

About me
Collaborate, Uplift, Inspire
I'm a Maximiser which means I'm always trying to make things better than they were before.
I demonstrate this through my desire to collaborate, uplift, and inspire my clients, knowing they have the potential to reach higher levels and grow with me.
My driving Maximiser strength is followed closely by Futuristic and Relator – looking ahead with energy and expression to inspire motivate possibilities with others.
Getting the message across with enthusiasm and using deep connected relationships to collaborate, knowing that we can go further together than independently.
By actively listening and being present, I help clients trust in their true essence, ensuring everyone benefits from our collaborative journey.

My Journey
From Farming to Fulfillment
I spent the first half of my life highly motivated and goal focused in the farming industry. Having reached my big life goals in mid-life, I found myself in an unusual position of being dissatisfied with life and not sure what to do next.
I set about obtaining a credible coaching qualification, a natural fit for a curious and questioning mind.
Using this with my professional rural clients to help them with their similar stuckness that I had experienced, I realised it was just skimming the surface. I wanted to know more about human behaviour.
This is when I added NLP (neuro linguistic programming) Practitioner to my skill set and learned how to elicit Core Values and better understand how the mind and body interact to create our individual and unique experience. This added real value to my clients in helping them understand their unique motivators, how they make decisions and how conflict shows up for them.
I started to realise that emotions were where change occurs – both positively and not so helpfully. Deeply engrained habits and resistance to change, despite having all the knowledge, was often still a challenge.
Not content to have an incomplete offering, I stumbled across an initially weird and later wonderful technique in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), with the added bonus of clinical research to back the results. I was sold!
This is where true change occurred, first for me and then as a Practitioner, sharing this amazing transformative tool with my clients too.
My Core Values
Freedom to be ME
Financial freedom, Freedom of mobility, Freedom in health
Connection to The Self, connection with those in my world
Being valued, doing good, adding value to everything I do and everyone I work with – making better, providing meaningful services
Learning deeply about the things that matter to me, so I can be the best version of me for others. Expanding and stretching my abilities to reach into my potential.
My Beliefs
(My truths)
My inner world of cause, creates My outer world of effect
Life is an active moving process
Change is the one constant inevitability
Everywhere I go there I am
The past present and future all only ever happen NOW
My beliefs shape my reality
Anything is possible to I AM

Client-Centered Outcomes
The Foundation of
My Approach
My approach always begins with Client Outcomes
Firstly the overall outcome for a series of sessions, and then an individual customised session outcome.
My approach is my belief
I believe that the client always has the answers - even although they may be temporarily hidden. I use a combination of powerful questions together with EFT (that does the heavy lifting) knowing that the solutions that this client needs will reveal themselves at the right time in the right way. Depending on whether you are wanting to achieve Clarity on a future goal/decision or release a current issue/block so you can move forward, we will work on an agreed process, based on your outcome. It is important to me that you are in charge at all times and focused on your outcome.
Clarity Coaching
May involve eliciting your unique Core Values and then focusing on a goal/desire. A goal underpinned by your innate motivators (core values) will get you excited. Identifying the truth of any resistance is an important part of this process and limiting beliefs, core beliefs, doubt are often behind this. Universal core beliefs such as I'm not good enough, can be destructive programmes innocently running on our hard drive in the background, preventing what we really want to achieve. EFT is a fast, effective means of both identification and release of old events that support the programmes playing in the subconscious, beyond detection of the logical/rational mind.

Tailored Client Approach
My Skills
Building rapport and trust with my client is paramount to starting work together. Ensuring we are a good fit is an important first step and the purpose of the free initial chat. Every person is different as is every provider of services they seek. A good fit means work can begin right away in a confident collaborative manner.