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Clarity Coaching

Evidence Based
Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping)

I'm so glad you are here. 
It takes courage to be ready for change.

I help people who are stuck, identify & release  patterns, habits & old events, so they can experience inner peace.
Freedom from mental, physical and emotional discomfort is a expansive feeling, making space to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Are you temporarily stuck in your thinking or stage of life. Together we will  identify the old patterns and behaviours that are in the way of your success.
I combine evidence backed techniques (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Mind - Body reprogramming processes, to help you release the blocks to achieving your next level of success and a better quality life. 

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A passionate Clarity Coach, speaker and 
EFT (Tapping) practitioner. 
Working On-line
from the comfort of your own home.


" I credit my sessions with Jenny, for being pivotal in helping me understand who I am and what makes me tick.  I have made much better life choices and am extremely grateful for Jenny's time and expertise."
Gary - Teaching professional
"Jenny used the Emotional Freedom Technique with me to release an underlying stress that I had held in my body for 20 years! The experience of releasing it felt incredible, but the best part is the knot in my stomach I'd been walking around with has stayed away. Thank you Jenny!"
Sarah - Now a relaxed person
My sessions with Jenny have been game changing! I reflect weekly on what I learned about myself and what's really deeply important to me. You should see her! 
PS. I had no idea that mid-life lostness was a thing - it certainly is!
Nicola - Rural professional 


the clinical research  indicates that EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique is considered the ultimate stress reduction tool. It can reprogram the fear center of your brain (the amygdala) to reduce the production of physiological stress markers that impact our mental, physical and cellular health. Join me to tap your way to mental and emotional freedom, today!
It will be my pleasure to show you how to use this powerful tool at the end of your fingertips, to change the way you think, feel and behave in any situation.   Meanwhile we can work on releasing the bigger issues together for permanent effect.
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Those wishing to gain a greater understanding of themselves need look no further than Jenny.  Her focus and understanding in helping me achieve understanding of myself and why I do certain things certain ways was truly impressive. 

Jenny's ability to ask the right question which in turn gave me my own answer still amazes me.  Nothing in the sessions was about her experience it was all about me.

The professionalism, commitment and trustworthiness goes way beyond what I have experienced in other professions.

RJ, Farm Consultant

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